
  • Po May Daphne WONG Lecturer, Division of Business, Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 9 Hoi Ting Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong




Business Students, Corporate Social Responsibility, Orientation, Measurement Scale


In many ways our daily livings are shaped by business decisions.As studentsare future decision-makers of their profession, there is a needto educate them with a strongersense of ethicality and corporate social responsibility(CSR)(Evans and Weiss, 2008; Mohammad, 2011).Beforewe can identifyeffective ways in changingstudents’ orientation towards CSR(CSRO), we first need to devise a way inassessinga person’s CSRO.Using Carroll’s (1979)CSR constructsof Economic, Legal, Ethical and Discretionary(Philanthropy), Aupperle (1982) validateda forced-choice scale (E-CSRO) to assess a person’sCSRO. Wong (2017) translateditinto Chinese (C-CSRO)and tested with N=793 Chinese business studentsin Hong Kong.This studyfurther validated C-CSRO with N=827 non-businessChinese studentsandexaminedtheirCSRO.Sampleswere randomly halvedinto two N=383and N=444.Sample 1 showedC-CSRO hashigh item reliability (.915 to -.783);Exploratory Factor Analysisrevealeditsfactor structureissimilar toE-CSRO.Confirmatory Factor Analysis on Sample 2 supportedadequate model fit.Overall mean score ranking of the four CSRO in descending order of importance were Legal, Economic, Ethical and Discretionary.Gender and programme streamsin particular havesignificant effects (p < .05)overthe Economic and Discretionarydimensions.Avenues for future research cantest C-CSRO in other Chinese communities using cross group CFA on measurement invariance; explore influence from other moderating variables onCSRO so that impactful educational initiatives to specific studen tgroup can be found.


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How to Cite

Wong, P. M. D. (2018). ORIENTATION TOWARDS CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: A STUDY OF NON-BUSINESS STUDENTS IN HONG KONG. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 1292–1310. https://doi.org/10.20319/pijss.2018.42.12921310