PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences <div id="focusAndScope"> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ISSN 2454-5899</strong></p> </div> Global Research & Development Services Publishing en-US PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences 2454-5899 THE NATIONALITY OF THE ARBITRAL SENTENCE IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION <p><em>In the case of international disputes resolved by means of arbitration, the cross-border effects of the awards are essential for the parties. At first glance, these awards are assimilated to the national court judgements of the state where they were pronounced and are considered foreign court judgements in any other state. Nevertheless, in some cases, the links between the arbitral procedures and the place of pronouncement of the awards are weak or even non-existent, which raises serios doubts over the ability of this specific place to determine the nationality of the arbitral award. The described circumstance is the premise of the present scientific approach, which aims to deepen the analysis of the criteria for determining the nationality of an arbitral award (by a Romanian court), with implications on its cross-border effects, as well as on the procedures that could lead to its dissolution. From a methodological point of view, the research aims, successively, to inventory the applicable legal instruments, to delineate the solutions offered by them, in order to, finally, by overlapping them, provide a comprehensive theory on the determination of the nationality of an arbitral award.</em></p> Șerban Alexandru Stănescu Ana Maria Dimofte Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 10 2 01 07 10.20319/pijss.2024.102.0107 ISLAMIST POLITICS AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION IN BANGLADESHI NEWSPAPERS <p>This study aims to examine the representation of an Islamist political party— Islami Andolan Bangladesh (IAB) during their political campaign in the context of the 2023 Barishal City Corporation (BCC) in three Bangladeshi mainstream newspapers— the <em>Daily Star</em> (DS), the <em>Daily Janakantha</em> (DJ) and the <em>New Age</em> (NA). Examining the news articles, photographs and editorials, this study argues that these newspapers sidelined, ignored, and in some cases favored the Islamist party. It also argues that the party IAB uses myth— if you vote for hand-fan (electoral symbol of IAB), Allah and Rasool (prophet Muhammad) will have the votes; and makes voters sewer placing hands on the holy Quran—were unchallenged by the three newspapers. Though the IAB could not win the election, it was expected that mass media as social institutions would come forward with accurate information so that social members would not be misguided. The <em>DS </em>and <em>DJ</em> are found with the propensity to sideline and ignore the IAB and its electioneering. On the contrary, the <em>NA</em> provided balanced news coverage compared to the other dailies. Nonetheless, none of them have challenged the myth that the IAB’s uses of myth that misguided the voters.</p> Md. Rana Mia Copyright (c) 2024 Md. Rana Mia 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 10 2 08 29 10.20319/pijss.2024.102.0829 ANALYSIS ON SUPPORT PROGRAM WITH CONVERSION FROM VACANT HOUSES INTO COMMUNITY BASES: A CASE IN SETAGAYA WARD, TOKYO <p><em>The municipal government of Setagaya Ward established a consultation program for individual owners of vacant houses in July 2013 to convert them into useful places for the community. This service aims to match with owners of vacant houses and citizen groups such as non-profit organizations and has established 22 bases for the community in 10 years. The authors found that the majority of them are used for social welfare offering places for children, disabilities, or the elderly. These facts indicate the necessity of the role of the public sector’s program rather than private companies to promote the re-utilization of vacant houses into places of inclusionary use for the community.</em></p> Shota Yamada Tatsuo Akashi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 10 2 30 39 10.20319/pijss.2024.102.3039 HOW NON-CURRICULAR ARTS ARE USED TO STRENGTHEN THE SOCIAL STATUS OF ENGINEERS <p><em>The paper discusses the concept of using non-curricular arts to strengthen the social status of engineers by expanding skillset and perception, building bridges, and connections. While there's no definitive answer of how non-curricular arts are used to strengthen the social status of engineers, the study presents some artistic ways of engagement that can impact engineers' social standing by demonstrating creativity and innovation, communication and storytelling, collaboration, and empathy. The study shows that the impact of non-curricular arts on engineers' social status depends on individual engagement, societal context, and how the artistic pursuit is perceived. While not a guaranteed formula, actively engaging in diverse artistic mediums can certainly contribute to a more well-rounded, respected, and connected image of engineers within society. Finally, the paper presents a comprehensive overview of how non-curricular arts can potentially influence the social status of engineers.</em></p> Dr. Mohammed Algarni Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 10 2 40 48 10.20319/pijss.2024.102.4048 BASIC ANXIETY IN JANE AUSTEN’S PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND EMMA <p><em>This paper delves into the inner conflict of Elizabeth Bennet and Emma, the heroines of Jane Austen’s Prejudice and Prejudice and Emma. The study uses Karen Horney’s psychoanalytic social theory of basic anxiety that emphasizes the influence of childhood experiences and the impact of socialization on an individual’s psychological development. It examines certain instances in the heroines’ early experiences that shape their adult identity and self-knowledge. The analysis reveals that those heroines are highly influenced by their parents or chaperones, who themselves may suffer from neurotic struggles that hinder their ability to properly provide care and support for their children. Therefore, an analysis of those parents and chaperones is provided to see to what extent their psychological conflicts preoccupy their behavior towards the heroines. </em></p> Hana Djelloul Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 10 2 49 59 10.20319/pijss.2024.102.4959 FROM REJECTION TO CONFRONTATION: A STUDY ON THE ONTOLOGICAL SECURITY PERSPECTIVE OF POLAND’S RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA <p><em>I</em><em>n the field of international security studies, attention to ontological security issues has become a focal point. Ontological security at the national level manifests as the dynamic harmony between“national super-ego” and “national Id”, representing a common product in the subject relations. Ontological security crisis is the result of the failure of “national ego” regulation. Positioned in the geopolitical periphery, Poland, over millennia, has developed a distinct“national super-ego” and a strong sense of identity. However, throughout its history, Poland has repeatedly faced ontological security challenges from Russia. For Poland, Russia has transformed from being the “other” to the “excluded”, ultimately becoming the “adversary” in Poland's ontological security. Since the “post-Cold War” era, Poland has endeavored to reshape its ontological security through internal and external measures. Ontological security provides a novel perspective for international relations research.</em></p> KE Yan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 10 2 60 75 10.20319/pijss.2024.102.6075 U.S. PERCEPTION AND POLICY ON SOUTH CHINA SEA PRE-COLD WAR <p><em>After World War II, the United States' South China Sea policy was formed based on its perception of the three before the Cold War. Through events such as France's occupation of nine small islands, Japan's occupation, and the struggle against Japan during the Pacific War, America has continuously deepened its cognition on the South China Sea and increasingly concerned its important value. With Japan's successive retreats in the later stages of World War II, America gradually gained control of the Sea and took a dominant position in the regional dispute. With the continuous deepening of the United States' appreciation and the changing of its identity, status, and the interests in this region, its policy has gradually taken shape</em></p> Liu Jinbo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 10 2 76 89 10.20319/pijss.2024.102.7689 RESEARCH ON AESTHETIC COGNITION, FLOW EXPERIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE IN VIRTUAL CULTURAL ACTIVITIES <p><em>This research delves into integrating aesthetic experience and technology acceptance within virtual cultural activities, with the primary goal of enhancing user engagement. To achieve this, the study employs a meticulously structured questionnaire to assess participants' aesthetic cognition, flow experience, and acceptance of technology. The methodology involves comprehensive data collection from participants engaged in various virtual cultural events, followed by detailed analytical comparisons to understand user preferences and behaviors. The results clearly indicate a strong preference for immersive and user-friendly technological interfaces. This preference underscores the critical role of aesthetic cognition in determining the success of cultural activities. Furthermore, the findings suggest that significant improvements in interactive features could dramatically enhance user participation and engagement in virtual cultural environments, thereby enriching the overall experience and effectiveness of these activities.</em></p> Hui-Yun Yen Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 10 2 90 105 10.20319/pijss.2024.102.90105 PRELUDE FOR A SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM INDIAN TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE PROVIDER <p><em>Despite an increased focus on digital transformation, the telecommunication industry has, thus far, seen limited success regarding the effective transformation of its constituent organisations, both globally and in India. Indian telecommunication service providers (TSP) in particular face tremendous pressure to transform successfully in order to leverage the benefits of digital transformation and meet the current business challenges. This research proposes factors from internal organizational perspective that are essential for the successful transformation. This</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>study has developed a research framework grounded in multiple theories (Resource Based View, Dynamic Capabilities and Disruptive Innovation) and based on detailed literature review. The research model was tested using responses from a robust sample of 294 domain experts in the Indian telecommunications industry. Empirical results indicate that Digital Capabilities, Digital Strategy and Corporate Level Data Strategy has strong significance on the successful Business Performance, followed by IT Function Transformation, and Digital Innovation.</em></p> <p><em>Despite an increased focus on digital transformation, the telecommunication industry has, thus far, seen limited success regarding the effective transformation of its constituent organisations, both globally and in India. Indian telecommunication service providers (TSP) in particular face tremendous pressure to transform successfully in order to leverage the benefits of digital transformation and meet the current business challenges. This research proposes factors from internal organizational perspective that are essential for the successful transformation. This</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>study has developed a research framework grounded in multiple theories (Resource Based View, Dynamic Capabilities and Disruptive Innovation) and based on detailed literature review. The research model was tested using responses from a robust sample of 294 domain experts in the Indian telecommunications industry. Empirical results indicate that Digital Capabilities, Digital Strategy and Corporate Level Data Strategy has strong significance on the successful Business Performance, followed by IT Function Transformation, and Digital Innovation.</em></p> Dr. Jigna Srivastava` Dr. Karippur Nanda Kumar Dr. Anna Tarabasz Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 10 2 106 135 10.20319/pijss.2024.102.106135 BREAKING SILENCE, SHAPING HISTORY: UNVEILING MARGINALIZED FEMALE WAR-CRIME SURVIVORS’ VOICES <p><em>This paper is the synopsis of an ongoing qualitative research project on an intersectional and biopolitical analysis of selected war memoirs written by marginalized female war crime survivors. The primary object of this research is to explore the layers of subjectivity as expressed through the memoirs by women who, in different corners of the world, were subjected to different forms of war crimes during the late twentieth and the twenty-first century. The research paper aims to find whether these life-writings should be recognized only as chronicles of their silent sufferings or as bold proclamations of their resistance against the biopolitical oppressions they were exposed to. In order to do so, a theoretical framework comprising intersectionality and biopolitics will be used according to which the selected memoirs will be critically analyzed. The proposed research will follow a research methodology that is descriptive, correlational, analytical, and exploratory in approach. The primary findings reveal the historical trajectory of women's autobiographical writings related to war and conflicts, identifying the scarcity of such narratives that underscores the challenges faced by survivors in documenting their experiences. The expected outcome is to offer a counter-narrative to official war stories, demonstrating the efficacy of testimonial life-writings from marginalized individuals as human rights activism tools, with potential implications for policy-making, advocacy against sexual violence in conflict zones, and contributing evidence for prevention, justice, and support initiatives, while also highlighting ethical challenges and paving the way for further studies on the intersectional and biopolitical dimensions of sexual violence.</em></p> Bhaswati Bhattacharjee Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 10 2 136 149 10.20319/pijss.2024.102.136149