Education Theories, ICT, Constructivism, Technology, Search Engines, Action Research, PedagogyAbstract
It is a well-known fact that technology and electronic devices play a huge role in the globe today. Due to these advances in technology, the world is gradually becoming frontier-less and thus becoming a small village through digital media. The Internet and use of smart devices are now a trend in modernizing human culture and thus being part of the totality of ways of human life. As education is part of a society and plays a great role in shaping an individual, this research study aimed at exploring the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in an education setting in Tanzania. The study explored how the inclusion of ICT played a role in facilitating the teaching and learning process in the education system. This research was taken in the form of a qualitative Action research, looking at a simple-everyday used application ‘a search engine’ as a tool to facilitate learning as a case. It recorded students’ and teachers’ perspectives on the effect of the use of technology in class as a pedagogy. In its findings, the study unveiled that a tool like Search Engines as well as the general use of technology supported and built on various education theories such as constructivism, critical thinking, active learning and differentiation when consciously applied.
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