Received: 24th August 2023; Revised: 09th October 2023, 26th October 2023; Accepted: 27th December 2023
AR-Based Learning Effectiveness (ARLE), Creative Learning Self-Efficacy (CLS), AR Learning Motivation (ARLM), AR Learning Beliefs (ARLB)Abstract
This study aimed to explore the correlation among AR-based learning effectiveness (ARLE), AR
learning beliefs (ARLB), creative learning self-efficacy (CLS), and AR learning motivation
(ARLM) of tertiary students in Taiwan. Participants had 378 tertiary students who from 15 school,
and used path analysis model of the structural equation model (SEM) based on the questionnaire
survey. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between the AR Learning
Beliefs (ARLB) and AR Learning Motivation (ARLM) of tertiary student. It is found that higher
correlation between ARLB, ARLM and Creative Learning Self-Efficacy (CLS). There was a
significant positive correlation between ARLE and ARLB, and can effectively explain ARLE. This
study confirms that CLS is an important factor and an impact mediating factor between ARLB and
ARLM. In addition, CLS can also influence ARLE through ARLM.
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