
  • Eva Guilherme Menino Health Research Unit (UIS) –School of Health Sciences (ESSLei), Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL), Leiria, Portugal
  • Maria dos Anjos Coelho Rodrigues Dixe Health Research Unit (UIS) – School of Health Sciences (ESSLei), Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL), Leiria, Portugal
  • Maria Clarisse Carvalho Martins Louro Health Research Unit (UIS) – School of Health Sciences (ESSLei), Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL), Leiria, Portugal



Diabetes Mellitus, Therapeutic Education, Validation Studies


Nursing interventions in diabetes education are considered relevant in order to achieve proper outcomes. It is important to know what nurses do in this field and for this purpose we need valid and reliable instruments. Objective: To develop and determine the psychometric characteristics of Diabetes Education Process Scale (DEP). Methods: Based on the question “What interventions nurses develop in their practice in diabetes education?", we developed two studies: (a) a qualitative one in order to identify relevant variables to measure in diabetes education; and (b) a quantitative and methodological study of validation of DEP scale. Results: We identified four guidelines in qualitative study through which emerged the relevant variables for the evaluation of therapeutic education. We applied this DEP Scale to a sample of 104 nurses, with an average age of 41.3 years (SD = 8.1). DEP Scale has in its dimensions α values between 0.6720 and 0.834, revealing reasonable internal consistency. The scale revealed also validity characteristics. Conclusion: We concluded that it is important to know nurses practices in order to let emerge their contribution to patient care. For this purpose, we need valid and reliable instruments. DEP Scale proved itself to be valid and reliable, so it can be used to access nurses´ interventions in diabetes education. 


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How to Cite

Menino, E. G., Dixe, M. A. C. R., & Louro, M. C. C. M. (2015). CONSTRUCTION AND VALIDATION OF “DIABETES EDUCATION PROCESS (DEP)” SCALE. LIFE: International Journal of Health and Life-Sciences, 1(01), 01–12.

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