Received: 6th March 2023; Revised: 9th May 2023, 20th June 2023; Accepted: 23rd June 2023
Fashion branding, International Branding, Brand attitude, Purchase intention, Generation XYZ, Self-construalAbstract
The purpose of this study is to compare generation X, Y, and Z (Gen XYZ) in relation to their brand attitude and purchase intention toward international fashion brands and also to use independent and interdependent self-construal to investigate the influence of cultural differentiation on brand attitude and purchase intention in response to international fashion brands. An online survey was carried out with quota sampling and 400 valid surveys were collected in Udonthani. The results reveal that generations (X vs Y vs Z) have an insignificant influence on brand attitude in response to international fashion brands in that generations X vs Y and X vs Z are different in terms of purchase intention while generation Y vs Z are not. Self-construal (independent and interdependent) also has significant influence on brand attitude and purchase intention. As a consequence, marketers and retailers of international fashion brands should pay attention to Gen XYZ consumers and those with different self-construal as they are unique in terms of international fashion brand consumption.
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